Sponsoring the AAVR is a great way to help your company effectively communicate its brand message directly to the veterinary community while creating community good will.
Sponsorship packages and commitment levels vary, and they can be customized:
Online banner advertisements
20-second promotional advertisements given by instructors during online webinars
Print and online newsletter promotion
Sponsorship of an AAVR USES certification course
Please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information about how to become an AAVR sponsor.

The AAVR offers free and fee based educational information about veterinary imaging. Within the educational information, both unrelated and related company products may be mentioned and/or paid advertising may be displayed. Companies related directly to the AAVR through ownership or member participation are Vetology.ai, Vetology.net, San Diego Veterinary Imaging and the Veterinary Imaging Center of San Diego, Inc. The AAVR and ACVR are separate, independent companies.